JUNE 5: #BeatPlasticPollution

World Environment Day 2023 is a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matters. The steps governments and businesses are taking to tackle plastic pollution are the consequence of this action. Speaking out and pushing for change has sparked policy milestones, like plastic bag bans, innovations in alternatives to single-use plastic packaging, mobilized finance for sustainability, and led to the push for a global agreement to end plastic pollution.

It is time to accelerate this action.

Under #BeatPlasticPollution, World Environment Day 2023 provides an opportunity to raise the volume on the call for governments, cities and businesses to invest in and implement solutions to end plastic pollution. LEARN MORE HERE

1. Host an event or action for 5 June

From schools and community groups to cities and governments, everyone is encouraged to host and register a #BeatPlasticPollution activity, event or action around 5 June for World Environment Day.

Participants can put their activity or event on the World Environment Day map and receive a registration card. They can also spread the word and inspire others by taking photos and sharing the moment using the tags #BeatPlasticPollution and #WorldEnvironmentDay.

In addition, UNEP is reaching out to create brand visibility opportunities on transport networks, city billboards, tech apps, cultural and sporting events around the world to promote the key messages in local languages.

2. Inspire change through social media

Join the #BeatPlasticPollution movement by sharing UNEP’s World Environment Day assets (videos, graphics, stickers) showcasing solutions and best practices.

  • Acknowledge and promote those who are creating real solutions to plastic pollution.
    1. Take a photo or video of the solution
    2. Share it on your social media and tag a government representative, municipality, business, community

    organization or your friends, colleagues, and other people in your network with the line:

    Hi @...... thank you for doing better to #BeatPlasticPollution this #WorldEnvironmentDay!

  • Call out and challenge politicians, municipalities, companies, and civil society groups to join the movement to overcome plastic pollution.

    1. Take a photo or video of something problematic, such as unnecessary or avoidable use of plastic in products

      or packaging, poor waste management of plastics, or plastic pollution in your community.

    2. Share it on your social media and tag a government representative, municipality, business or organization,

      and encourage them to do better by saying:

      Hi @...... please do better! This is harmful for people and the planet. Help us #BeatPlasticPollution this #WorldEnvironmentDay!